Rural Health Workforce development (including recruitment and retention strategies)
UQ medical graduate tracking outcomes (Medicos, data linkage)
To better understand the career outcomes of UQ medical graduates and to evaluate factors that are associated with their chosen specialisation and practice locations
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
McGrail M, Nasir B, Chater A.B, Sangelaji B, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan, S. (2023). "The value of extended short-term medical training placements in smaller rural and remote locations on future work location: a cohort study." BMJ Open, 13(1): e068704.
O'Sullivan B, McGrail M, Gurney T, Martin P. (2021). Barriers to getting into postgraduate specialty training for junior Australian doctors: An interview-based study. Plos One, 16(10): e0258584
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Gurney T, Eley D, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S. (2021). Exploring Doctors’ Emerging Commitment to Rural and General Practice Roles over Their Early Career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22): 11835
O'Sullivan B, Gurney T, McGrail M. (2021). Selection, training and employment to encourage early-career doctors to pursue a rural postgraduate training pathway. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29: 267-271
O’Sullivan B, McGrail M, Gurney T, Martin P. (2020). A realist evaluation of theory about triggers for doctors choosing a generalist or specialist medical career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17:1-17
Kwan MMS, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Ranmuthugala G, Toombs MR, Nicholson GC. (2017). The rural pipeline to longer-term rural practice: General practitioners and specialists. PLoS One, 12(7): e0180394
Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Eley D, Ranmuthugala G, Chater A B, Toombs M, Darshan D, Nicholson G. (2015). Determinants of rural practice: positive interaction between rural background and rural undergraduate training. The Medical Journal of Australia, 202(1): 41-45
Building evidence of rural workforce support and policy
To provide new evidence of the design and outcomes of rural health workforce policies
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
Young L, Anderson E, Gurney T, McArthur L, McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Hollins A (2023) A comparative evaluation of quality and depth of learning by trainee doctors in regional, rural, and remote locations. BMC Med Education, 23(1): art no. 215
Couch A, Menx H, O'Sullivan B, Haines T, Williams C (2023) Describing the factors related to rural podiatry work and retention in the podiatry workforce: a national survey. J Foot Ankle Res, 16(1): 4
Fox J, Batacan R, Saluja S, Pullen C, McGrail M (2023) Experiences of rural and metropolitan background applicants in preparing for and completing a regionally focussed Multiple Mini-Interview for admission into a regional medical program. Education for Health, 36(3): 116-122
Fox JL, Cribb J, Cumming K, Martin P (2023) Medical student interest and participation in research at one rural clinical school: Insights from the last six years. Aust J Rural Health, 31(3): 569-574
Paynter J, Qin K, O'Brien A, O'Sullivan B, Jayasekera H, Brennan J (2023) Rural general surgeon confidence with managing vascular emergencies: A national survey. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 31(5): 897-905
Fox J, Doolan T, Gurney T, McGrail M (2023) Short term medical student placements completed consecutively at a rural general practice positively impact chronic disease management. Rural and Remote Health, 23(2): 7611
Pamungkas D, O’Sullivan B, McGrail M, Chater B (2023) Tools, frameworks and resources to guide global action on strengthening rural health systems: a mapping review. Health Research Policy and Systems, 21(1): art no. 129
Gurney, T, O'Sullivan, B, McGrail, M, Martin, P (2023) Understanding the Non-Professional Needs of Early Career Doctors: An Interview-Based Study. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38(2): 330-346
Martin P, McGrail M, Fox J, Partanen R, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S. (2022). Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on medical student placements in rural Queensland: A survey study. The Australian Journal of Rural Health, 30(4): 478-487
Putri L, Russell D, O'Sullivan B, Meliala A & Kippen R. (2022). A critical review of definitions of rural areas in Indonesia and implications for health workforce policy and research. Health Research Policy and Systems, 20(1): 46
O'Sullivan B, Martin P, Taylor C, Lodding M, Bilardi G, Dix L, Phillips J, Hutchinson M, Van Wollingen R, Wallace G. (2022). Developing supervision capacity for training rural generalist doctors in small towns in Victoria. Rural and Remote Health, 22(1): 7124
Couch A, White J, O'Sullivan B, Haines T, Menz H, Williams C. (2022). What recently graduated podiatrists think of rural work, and how services are responding: a qualitative study. Rural and Remote Health, 22(1): 6930
O'Sullivan BG, Chater AB, Bingham A, Wynn-Jones J, Couper I, Hegazy N, Kumar R, Lawson H, Martinez-Bianchi V, Randenikumara S, Rourke J, Strasser S & Worley P. (2020). A Checklst for implementing rural pathways to train, develop and support heatlh workers in low and middle income countries. Frontiers in Medicine, 7: 594728
Couch D, O'Sullivan B, Russell D, McGrail M, Wallace G, Bentley M. (2020). An exploration of the experiences of GP registrar supervisors in small rural communities: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 20: 834
O’Sullivan B, McGrail M, Gurney T, Martin P. (2020). A realist evaluation of theory about triggers for doctors choosing a generalist or specialist medical career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7: 1-17
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Russell D, Rahman M. (2020). Exploring preference for, and uptake of, rural medical internships, a key issue of supporting rural training pathways. BMS Health Services Research, 930 (2020)
Couch D, O'Sullivan B, Russell D, McGrail M. (2020). It's so rich, you know, what they could be experiencing": Rural places for general practitioner learning. Health Sociology Review, 29: 76-91
Yong J, Scott A, Gravelle H, Sivey P, McGrail M. (2018). Do rural incentives payments affect entries and exits of general practitioners? Social Science and Medicine, 214: 197-205
MABEL project - rural workforce supply and distribution
To provide evidence to support improved medical workforce distribution for rural communities.
UQRCS leads all MABEL research relating to rural workforce.
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
Darboe A, Hawthorne L-A, Scott A, McGrail M (2023) Exploring life satisfaction difference between domestic and international medical graduates: Evidence from a national longitudinal study. International Journal of Healthcare Management, 16(4): 555-565
McGrail M, Gurney T, Fox J, Martin P, Eley D, Nasir B, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S (2023) Rural medical workforce pathways: Exploring the importance of postgraduation rural training time. Human Resources for Health, 21(1): art no. 31
Scott A, Li, J, Gravelle H, McGrail M. (2022). Physician competition and low-value health care. American Journal of Health Economics, 8(2): 252-274
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B. (2021). Increasing doctors working in specific rural regions through selection from and training in the same region: national evidence from Australia. Human Resources for Health, 132 (2021)
Lennon M, McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Suttie JJ. (2020). Are hospital registrars growing more satisfied with their jobs? Internal Medicine Journal, 54: 419-426
O'Sullivan B, McGrail M. (2020). Effective dimensions of rural undergraduate training and the value of training policies for encouraging rural work. Medical Education, 54: 364-374
McGrail M & O'Sullivan B.(2020). Faculties to support general practitioners working rurally at broader scope: a national cross-sectional study of their value. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17: 4652
Lennon M, McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Tan A, Mock C, Suttie JJ, Preddy J. (2020). Understanding professional satisfaction of hospital specialist trainees in Australia. Medical Education, 20: 834
Lennon M, O'Sullivan B, McGrail M, Russell D, Suttie J, Preddy J. (2019). Attracting junior doctors to rural centres: A national study of work-life conditions and satisfaction. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 27(6): 482-488
O'Sullivan B, Russell D, McGrail M, Scott A. (2019). Reviewing reliance on overseas-trained doctors in rural Australia and planning for self-sufficiency: applying 10 years' MABEL evidence, 17(1): 8
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Russell D. (2019). Rural work and specialty choices of international students graduating from Australian medical schools: implications for policy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(24): 5056
Further information is available on the MABEL website.
Interprofessional education and collaborative practice
To provide evidence of the contribution of interprofessional education and collaborative practice to healthcare and its importance to clients, healthcare workers, and organisations.
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
Martin P, Argus G, Ford M, Barnett T, Graham N, Hill A (2024) The rural and interprofessional education and collaborative practice interface: findings from a qualitative study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 38, (1): 182-185
Fox J, Gurney T, Kondsalmy-Chennakesavan S, Pols T, Tuffaha T, Pak A, McGrail M (2023) A narrative review of healthcare in the oil and gas industry: Impacts on employees, employers, and local communities. Healthcare, 11(21): 2888
Martin P, Lizarondo L, Kumar S, Tian E, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Argus G (2023) Characteristics of perceived effective telesupervision practices: A case study of supervisees and supervisors. Plos One,18(7):e0288314
Martin P, Ford M, Hill A, Argus G, Graham N, Browne M (2023) Comparing outcomes of an innovative interprofessional student placement model to standard placement models in rural healthcare settings. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 37(5):767-773
O'Sullivan B, Martin P, Taylor C et al. (2023) Developing supervision capacity for training rural generalist doctors in small towns in Victoria. RRH, 22 (1): 7124
Martin P, Argus G, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Kumar S (2023) Going soft on soft skills: a qualitative study of student supervisor perspectives of the impacts of COVID-19 on soft skill development in students. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 20(3): 67-80
Martin P, Pighills A, Argus G, Sinclair L (2023) Health care workers’ understanding of interprofessional education and collaborative practice in regional health settings: A survey study. FoHPE, 24(3): 78-94
Martin P, Hulme A, Fallon T, Kumar S, McGrail M, Argus G, Gurney T, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S (2023) Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on student supervision and education in health care settings: A state-wide survey of health care workers. Aust J Rural Health, 31(3): 484-492
Martin P, Argus G, Fox J, Gurney T, McGrail M, Kumar S, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S (2023) Nature and extent of disruptions to staff clinical supervision practices in healthcare settings due to COVID-19: a survey study. Aust J Rural Health, 31(3): 484-492
Chater B, Webster S (2023) Valuing rural hospitals - the Australian experience. Rural and Remote Health, 23(1):8171
Martin P. (2022). Facilitating interprofessional education and collaborative practice at the education and health system interface. Text Book: Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice - International approaches at Micro, Meso, and Macro Levels Publisher: Cognella, editors: Dawn Joosten-Hagye, Hossein Khalili, 12: 191-201
Martin P, Lizarondo L, Argus G, Kumar S & Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S. (2022). Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical supervision of healthcare students in rural settings: A qualitative study. IJERPH special issue, 19
Martin P, Kumar S, Tian E, Argus G, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Lizarondo L, Gurney T, Snowdon D. (2022). Re-booting effective clinical supervision practices to support healthcare workers through and following the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J for Quality in Health Care,
34 (2)
Martin P, Pighills A, Burge V, Argus G, Sinclair L. (2021). Promoting interprofessional education and collaborative practice in rural health settings: learnings from a state-wide multi-methods study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10): 5162
Martin P, Hill A, Graham N, Argus G, Ford M. (2021). Sustaining rural interprofessional initiatives in the current landscape: a short report on interprofessional education in rural health services in Queensland. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(2): 245-247
Martin P, Moran M, Graham N, Hill A. (2021). The integral role of organisational governance in promoting interprofessional education in rural settings. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(6): 3041
Martin P, Sy M. (2021). Twelve tips to facilitate Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice with students on placements in healthcare settings. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 18(3): 1740
Speciality college selection
To review the selection policies and models used by speciality colleges to select candidates for entry to vocational training, exploring whether these processes are rural-focused.
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
McGrail M, Woolley T, Pinidiyapathirage J, Paton K, Smith D, Brumpton K, Teague P. (2024) Exploring recent trends (2014-21) in preferencing and accepting Queensland medical internships in rural hospitals. BMC Health Services Research, 24(1): art no. 236
McGrail M, Chhabra J, Hays R. (2023) Evaluation of rural general practice experiences for pre-vocational medical graduates. Rural and Remote Health, 23(1): 7409.
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Gurney T. (2021). Critically reviewing the policies used by colleges to select doctors for specialty training: A kink in the rural pathway. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 29(2): 272-283
Female doctors and rural practice
To develop a perspective of female-specific rural medical workforce issues.
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
Paynter J, O'Sullivan B, Qin K, Cuthbertson C, Brennan J (2023) Characterizing the female general surgery workforce in rural and regional Australia. ANZ Journal of Surgery, 93(10): 2283-2284
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, May J. (2022). Responsive policies needed to secure rural supply from increasing female doctors: A perspective. The International Journal of Health Planning & Management, 37(1): 40-49
Graduate Tracking & Growing the Rural Medical Workforce Pipeline
This study aimed to explore changes in the level of certainty about career interest in working in general practice and working rurally, as doctors pass through various early career stages.
Project contact
Findings and outcomes to date
Seal A, McGrail M, Bain-Donohue S, Fuller L, Kirke A, Garne D, Luscombe G, Allen P, Wright J, Burrows J (2024) Association between rural exposure/experience and practice location 10 years postgraduation, stratified by specialty: evidence from a cohort study of graduates from nine Australian universities. BMJ Open, 12: eO86850
Anderson E, McGrail M, Hollins L, Young L, McArthur, O'Sullivan B, Gurney T (2023) Comparison of performance outcomes after general practice training in remote and rural or regional locations in Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 218(9): 408-409
O'Sullivan B, Boyer S, Stratton A, McGrail M, Phillips Julie, Faoro J (2023) Outcomes of rural generalist internship training in Victoria. Rural and Remote Health, 23(4): 7889
McGrail M, Doyle Z, Fuller L, Gupta T.S, Shires L, Walters L (2023) The pathway to more rural doctors: the role of universities. MJA (Supplement), 219(3): S8-S13
McGrail M, Nasir B, Chater AB, Sangelaji B, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S (2023) The value of extended short-term medical training placements in smaller rural and remote locations on future work location: a cohort study. BMJ Open, 13 (1): e068704
Seal A, Playford D, McGrail M, Fuller L, Allen P, Burrows J, Wright J, Bain-Donohoe S, Garne D, Major L. (2022). Influence of rural clinical school experience and rural origin on practising in rural communities five and eight years after graduation. Medical Journal of Australia, 216(11): 572-577
Carson D, McGrail M, Sahay A. (2022). Regionalisation and general practitioner and nurse workforce development in regional northern Australia: insights from 30 years of Census migration data. Journal of Rural Studies, 91: 98-107
McGrail M, O'Sullivan B, Gurney T, Eley D, Kondalsamy-Chennakesavan S, Ostini R. (2021). Exploring doctors emerging commitment to rural and general practice roles over their early career. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22): 11835