Why go rural?

Queensland is famous for its vast landscape, varied regions and diverse communities. Providing medical services and healthcare for these far-flung places and people is no small feat.

As a rural student, you will be challenged to go further and do more. You will gain a greater depth and breadth of experience.

You will forge strong and enduring connections with local communities and medical practitioners. You will benefit from hands-on, face-to-face, up-close-and-personal experience.

You will get to live and work in a vibrant rural community and experience the many attractions the place and its people have to offer.

As a rural medical practitioner of the future, you will be a recognised and valued member of the local community and health and medical profession.

As many RCS graduates will tell you, it’s an experience that will change the way you view medicine, change your world view and shape your future career.

Find out more about the many possibilities of rural medicine

Get a taste of the outback with TROHPIQ

TROHPIQ – Towards Rural and Outback Health Professionals in Queensland – is a unique student club that promotes rural health training and careers. It provides health and medical students from several Queensland universities – including UQ – with opportunities to experience healthcare in regional, rural and remote Australia.

To find out more, visit trohpiq.org.

"The adventure and seeing beautiful parts of the country have really drawn me to rural medicine. It’s challenging but very interesting. You get to see such a variety of presentations. The doctors and nurses have to be equipped to deal with anything. But the biggest thing for me is the feeling of kinship – people looking out for each other and that tightknit community feeling."

Laura Frederiksen
Medicine student
Past President, TROHPIQ