I’ve always enjoyed biology and when I was younger I found myself tossing up between becoming a veterinarian or doctor. Growing up in a small country town I was very aware of the lack of doctors, especially female, working in rural areas, so I’ve always wanted to come back closer to home to help fix this problem.
I chose to come to Rockhampton Clinical Unit because I wanted a smaller learning environment with more hands on experience and a one on one ratio with consultants and registrars.
Spending my MiS and GP rotations in Tara, a small country town, has been one of my most valuable experiences in my medical studies. It was great to get to know the community and spend an extended amount of time learning from one doctor.
The Mentor Program at the Rural Clinical School has also been wonderful. I was paired with Dr Shaker, it’s been a great connection to have, and to know you have someone to turn to if we ever need a helping hand.
My most memorable moment so far was the first time my GP doctor let me do an entire skin excision myself. From assessment to local anaesthetic to excision to stitching and covering.
I would highly recommend going to one of the Rural Clinical School units. They are still in large towns so you’ve still got the amenities you’re used to and social things to do. You also get a huge amount of support from your mentors and peers, I know that my cohort have become a really tight knit group.