At the risk of sounding cliché, I wanted to study medicine to know more about the amazing thing that is the human body. Equally amazing, but arguably scarier, is the things that can go wrong with simple processes, and that’s what I find interesting.
Hailing from a rural town in Western Australia, Rockhampton was three times the size of Albany! I enjoy country living and wanted to get out of the city for a while so I chose to do my clinical years at the Rural Clinical School.
The hospital exposure was definitely the most valuable experience, but also a mentor I picked up at Rockhampton. He was so enthusiastic and willing to teach us and set time aside, that really gave me a lot of motivation to continue to achieve the best I could, not only for myself but also so that I didn’t disappoint him.
Graduation is definitely a memorable moment, but from birthing a baby in its amniotic sac to assisting in hip replacements and even just holding someone’s bowel for a Surgeon has been incredible.
I completed four weeks of orthopaedics at St John of God Hospital in Perth, WA, as part of my studies. Again, it was great to see how different hospitals operate. Definitely try to get as much exposure to as many hospitals as you can before you graduate, it all helps.
Absolute go for it. I have gained so much from the smaller hospital and community-feel of living at the RCS, and I would do it again at the drop of a hat. Don’t even think twice about it.