Queensland Health provides a centralised recruitment process through the Queensland Public Health Advanced Training Program, which advertises funded full-time positions, managed by the Metro North Public Health Unit, via the RMO campaign each year. Priority is given to existing Queensland Health Public Health Registrars in good standing who are continuing their training. Registrars will be required to negotiate their placements with supervisors within the Queensland Health accredited training network under the guidance of their faculty-recognised mentor and gain approval from the Public Health Physician, Metro North Public Health Unit.
The Queensland Public Health Advanced Training Program website provides further information on the key contacts and participating facilities where training can be completed.
In addition to the this network recruitment, there are additional participating facilities and positions which are accredited to deliver training requirements, please see the following link for further information on these: https://www.racp.edu.au/docs/default-source/default-document-library/public-health-medicine-accredited-settings-aus-os.pdf?sfvrsn=3f18071a_32.