Orthopaedic surgery
Disclaimer: Training pathway information is current as at June 2021 and is subject to change. Please check and confirm specific details with relevant colleges and health authorities directly.
To become an Orthopaedic Surgeon, you will need to apply for fellowship with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons.
The responsibility of the administration of the Orthopaedic Surgery Surgical Education Training (SET) program of RACS has been delegated to the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA). AOA is responsible for the delivery of the AOA 21 Training Program in partnership with RACS. The AOA 21 Training Program is competency-based rather than time-based; however, the average time to complete the program is 5 years. The Surgical Education and Training (SET) pathway consists of three stages:
SET 1 Introduction to Orthopaedics (12 months)
SET 2-4 Core Orthopaedics (36 months)
SET 5 Transition to Practice (12 months)
Note: Approximate time frame indicates anticipated progression for the majority of trainees.