CQ Regional Medical Pathway Growth Strategy

The purpose of the CQ Regional Medical Pathway Growth Strategy is to create a locally-centred, Indigenous-led focus on the recruitment, retention and graduation of First Nations students in The University of Queensland (UQ) Doctor of Medicine with a specific focus on Central Queensland. The Strategy is governed in a way that enshrines joint decision-making roles and responsibilities where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are at the centre of planning and implementation.

The Indigenous Student Growth Strategy was commissioned by the Executive Dean, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Behavioural Sciences. In December 2023, UQ was successful in receiving IRMT funding from the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care to support additional Commonwealth Supported Places in Central Queensland.

This strategy is a locally based decision-making framework supported by Regional Medical Pathway partners towards increasing the number of First Nations doctors in our workforce.

Download the CQ Regional Medical Pathway Growth Strategy (PDF, 1.4 MB)